Monday, May 18, 2009

Meatless Monday - The Fast Food Edition

Even on a budget, sometimes you just need to eat out to treat yourself! I've got some cheap, meatless options for you below (prices and items on value menus can vary from region to region). Skip the soda, grab an iced tea or water at home.

Taco Bell
: While most fast food places have a dollar menu these days, Taco Bell does it better: 79, 89 & 99 cent items! Try the Cheese Rollup (79 ), the Triple Layer Nachos (79 ), or the Bean Burrito (99 ). You can even get dessert cheap here: Cinnamon Twists (79 ), or Caramel Apple Empanada (99 ). If you're feeling extra splurgy, go for the 7 Layer Burrito, the 1/2 lb Cheesy Beans & Rice Burrito, or a Tostada! Many other menu items can be ordered without meat, too, like the Mexican Pizza (spendy, for our purposes, but yummy!)

If you're like me, and have food sensitivities, you can check here to see what's safe for you. And to add to Taco Bell's budget-worthiness, you can download free music from their site! Really, the most economical fast-food choice, all around.

McDonalds: The Dollar Menu. Unless you can make a meal of fries, a side salad, or the fruit & yogurt parfait, McDonalds isn't really going to be adequate for Meatless Monday dinner. Good place to snag dessert though - 2 apple pies for $1!

: Two words for you: Baked Potatoes! Which makes them one step ahead of McD's, IMO, since a baked potato can easily make a meal for me. Add a side salad for rounding things out. And there's always the yummy Frosty.

Burger King: Offers a veggie burger, but not on the value menu. Veggie value items: fries, onion rings, side salad, apple pie. As with McD's, it's doable, but far from optimal.

That mostly covers it - Hardee's doesn't post a value menu on their website, and there isn't one near me...Arby's has remarkably few veggie options. Let me know if you think I've missed any major chains/items here!


Tracey said...

Wendy's is a great place for an inexpensive lunch! Not meatless, for me. I go for chili and a side salad. And a drink. For less than $4!

R. O'Quinn said...

I love Wendy's for exactly that reason.

And to be fair, since this blog is about saving money, not vegetarianism, I could have recommended anything from the fast food value menus -- I'm just trying to stay in the theme. ;)